Chelsea Thronley, Business Office Manager
[email protected]
221 South 2nd Street
P.O. Box 1147
Laramie, Wyoming 82073-1147
Telephone: 307-742-3717
Fax: 307-742-5641
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Messaging Disclaimer
Please do not send any confidential information by email unless you are a current client of Corthell and King Law Office, P.C. If you are not a current client and send an message to Corthell and King Law Office, P.C., you acknowledge that Corthell and King Law Office, P.C., has no obligation to maintain confidentiality of any information submitted, unless we have an agreement to represent you on file. We may already represent a party or parties adverse to you, the information submitted could be used against you in a matter, even if the information you have submitted to us was in a good faith effort to retain our services and representation.